This is going to be a short one. I’ll start (as it seems I always do) by
apologizing for not writing in so long. I let m life become too busy too often.
Now on with the show.
I was in Chicago a couple of months ago, and some events
transpired that gave me a case of the heavy heart. I had a few hours to myself
one day, and I ended up taking a walk through the northern part of the city. I
was letting my thoughts ramble around my head, and didn’t even notice myself
smile and nod to a man who was in his front yard. This type of thing is not out
of the ordinary in Arkansas where I come from. I wasn’t trying to intrude on
his privacy or make him uncomfortable, I just enjoy acknowledging other people.
What I received from him was an indescribably cold stare. He looked threatened
and defensive as if I was challenging him to a fight. It caught me completely
off guard. I lowered my eyes and kept walking. I decided to try the same thing
again a few minutes later, and I got a response similar to the first. I didn’t
understand at all. I wasn’t dressed offensively; I had no motives; I couldn’t
see any reason for them to have treated me as they did. As I walked more, I
made it a point to make eye contact with other walkers. I never once got a
smile or a nod back. Women looked at me like I was a rapist, men gave me hard
stares and moved quickly by.
As I thought about it all later, my heart hurt. Not because
people had been cold with me. I have something of a titanium spirit at this
point in my life. I’m used to opposition, and it no longer bothers me as it
once did. Instead, I hurt for those people. Either something had happened to
them that made them so unreceptive to human contact, or they had been raised to
not trust other people. I understand that Chicago is a much different place
than Little Rock. There are far more predators on the streets, and it is a more
dangerous place. Still, I hurt for those people who didn’t seem able to receive
a loving smile or a genuine greeting. It seems unnatural to me that human
connection can come across as a threat. I hurt for people who cannot see it as
genuine. I hurt for our world where we are brought up to shun actions of true
kindness and look for the ulterior motives that are sure to be found.
I’ve had a phrase in my mind the last few months. “Let no
man or woman live unseen.” It is only seven simple words, but to me it means
everything. If I had a mantra, this would be it. I think it is our duty as
humans to love one another. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and
with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest
commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love
your neighbor as yourself.’” (Matthew 22:37-39) Whether you believe in God
or not, this advice is solid. To love those around you just as much as you love
yourself is a powerful notion. Whether they receive that love or not is not the
issue. We must continue to give it. We live in a terribly broken world in desperate
need of people who are willing to give instead of take.
Maybe this all sounds too trite to you. Love people? Of
course we’re supposed to do that. We’ve been taught that since kindergarten. I
agree, but I don’t think very many people actually do it. How many individuals
do we pass by every day and not see? Try something. Try to keep your eyes open
and count how many people you see every day. It soon becomes an overwhelming
task, but do it anyway. Then count how many of these people you have interaction
with. It is incredibly convicting to look at the results. We see so many people
every day, and so often we let them slip past us unseen. Not all of us have
lived the unseen life, so we can’t fully understand how much it hurts to be
passed over. I have lived that life though, and it cuts so deep to honestly
think that everyone who passes over you places more value on their daily tasks
than on your human life.
This is a problem; a big problem. Our world is a decaying
place. It is full of people trying to advance themselves. It is daunting to
imagine changing the way that things are. To be honest, you can’t. You cannot
change the entire world. There are seven billion people on the planet. Based on
the average life span, you would have approximately a quarter of a second to
speak to each person on earth. And that is assuming you start from the second
you are born and never sleep for over 72 years.
It is impossible, but that isn’t the point. You cannot change the whole
world, but you can change your world. You can affect the slice of earth that
you dwell in every day. How? See people. Truly see them. Talk to the guy that
you order your lunch from, the girl crying at her locker in the hallway, the
man who looks overwhelmed at your job. What is the point of living a selfish
“Let no man or woman live unseen.”
Follow me on Twitter here
Can I comment from a different angle? There is another unseen life, which I think is somewhat unknown, too. It's the housebound people. Those who don't get to speak to anyone but those in their house for weeks on end. They're hidden from the world, from society, and often seem too much for people (including the Church) to handle. They can live very unseen...
ReplyDeleteGreat post though, very valid point :)
I love that. Different lenses are what make the world go round, and that's a very good point :)
DeleteI love your thoughts.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Cory Copeland posted about you.
Sorry it took so long to respond. I appreciate your words though :) We're all thankful for Cory (deep down somewhere haha)
DeleteYou keep lovin'